St. Mary's Parish Pastoral Council


The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) of St. Mary's Parish was formed in 2004 in response to a directive from the Archbishop that each Parish shoul have a PPC. In our Parish we have been blessed with Parishioners who have willingly served as members of the Council; some have served on the Council from the beginning. We acknowledge our indebtedness to them all: they have been so generous with their time and gifts to serve the people of the Parish

What is a Parish Pastoral Council?

Parish Pastoral Councils are leadership structures that enable priests and people to work together to build up dynamic Christian communities that are characterised by prayer, hospitality, mission and evangelisation.

What are the tasks of the Parish Pastoral Council?

Parish Pastoral Councils:

  • Search out the needs of Parishioners
  • Prayerfully discern and plan the future directioin of the parish
  • Enable others to use their gifts in the service of God and mission of the parishioners
  • Review the life and activies of the parish so that parishioners can see how they are bringing about the reign of God
  • Ensure that effective dialogue takes place within the parish, the diocese and the wider community

Current members of St. Mary's PPC:

Sylvester McAuley (Chairperson), Jeanette Cunningham (Secretary), Carmel Moody, Ann Mc Mahon, Arleen Herron, Eilish Mc Nally, Fr Donal Roche OP PP, Br Eamonn Moran OP, Sr Noelle Jennings, Fr Albert Leonard OP, Fr Robert Reguła OP CC

Suggestions welcome to Parish Office. Contact PPC at 01 4048100 or using the form below:

News from PPC


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